I'm so excited I have to share!!
Yesterday I drove up to Duluth (near Atlanta) for my class to become a personal trainer, wow what a very very long day, we were given a lot of information to learn in a very short amount of time.
He told us that if we didn't pass the test he would text us last night to let us know to come back today, well I never got a text so I'm "assuming" I passed and that I am now a CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER!! WOO HOOO!!!
I should get the actual certificate in the mail in 2-3 weeks! I am so happy, I cannot believe that I am finally making all of my dreams a reality! I've been wanting this for about 6 months and I finally made it happen!! The feeling is AMAZING!!!!
I am on top of the world, and I woke up with the attitude that "Krystie, your'e a personal trainer now, you need to live your life accordingly and lead by example".. I feel extremely motivated and on fire again!! woo hooo Phenomenal to feel this way again!~
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
3 Month Goals
Yesterday while I was teaching a Live! Mind Class for Sparkpeople livemind.com/sparkpeople
aspx?rc=lmr18722 we visualized our goals, and I had them focus on what they wanted to accomplish in 3 months, I told them to be realistic, to set some goals that are attainable and then to blog about what their goals are and how they are going to accomplish those short term goals.
I wanted to post my 3 month goals as well.
My goal is to loose 10 pounds in 3 months, its getting harder for me to lose weight, so 3 pounds a month is a very attainable goal I believe.
-The steps I'm going to take will be TRACK EVERYTHING, Eat properly 95% of the time and drink 12 glasses of water or more daily. In addition to my food choices I will get at least 500 mins of exercise each week in before April 13th when my 3 month goal is finished.
My 2nd goal is to be able to run for 45 minutes straight to keep practicing for a 10k.
-The steps I'm going to take are to run either outside or on treadmill at least 3 times a week, and gradually add in more minutes each time I run. I can run for 30 mins non stop, so I need to start there, and add in 5 mins at a time until I get to the 45 min mark.
My 3rd goal is to Run the 5k in April (run for the bun) in 30 mins or less. (see above for steps).
Here's to a great 3 months! I encourage you to set some short term goals and blog about them as well!!
aspx?rc=lmr18722 we visualized our goals, and I had them focus on what they wanted to accomplish in 3 months, I told them to be realistic, to set some goals that are attainable and then to blog about what their goals are and how they are going to accomplish those short term goals.
I wanted to post my 3 month goals as well.
My goal is to loose 10 pounds in 3 months, its getting harder for me to lose weight, so 3 pounds a month is a very attainable goal I believe.
-The steps I'm going to take will be TRACK EVERYTHING, Eat properly 95% of the time and drink 12 glasses of water or more daily. In addition to my food choices I will get at least 500 mins of exercise each week in before April 13th when my 3 month goal is finished.
My 2nd goal is to be able to run for 45 minutes straight to keep practicing for a 10k.
-The steps I'm going to take are to run either outside or on treadmill at least 3 times a week, and gradually add in more minutes each time I run. I can run for 30 mins non stop, so I need to start there, and add in 5 mins at a time until I get to the 45 min mark.
My 3rd goal is to Run the 5k in April (run for the bun) in 30 mins or less. (see above for steps).
Here's to a great 3 months! I encourage you to set some short term goals and blog about them as well!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sparkpeople 28 Day Boot Camp DVD Review
I am so excited to get to write a review for the new Sparkpeople's Coach Nicole's 28 Day Boot Camp DVD, I tried it out today for the first time and WOW let me tell you, What a workout! I would consider myself an advanced exerciser and yet still found this DVD challenging! I clicked do all, which is 84 mins total on the DVD, but you have the option to select what workout you want to do as well, so you don't have to do them all! (That makes it nice for days when you're in a rush and only have a few mins time!)
There are 4 workouts plus warm up & cool down, and each one varies and gives you a great workout! I will review each workout
Lets start with the Warm up, right away Coach Nicole gets you moving with some marching and easy to follow steps, she gives you great instruction and lets you know what's coming up next so you're not surprised. The warm up lasts 6 mins and I honestly felt like the workout had already started, it most defiantly gets the heart pumping!
Next I did the Cardio Burst, (12 mins)and I actually had a hard time with this one. She starts you off right away with Grapevines and Maba moves, for me, I'm not very coordinated so I had a hard time following along and got a bit frustrated, but kept trying and didn't quit. I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't as much instruction on what to do, it's assumed you know how to do a grapevine, mamba etc.. The pace is very fast and for myself I had a hard time. Half way through this section, we move on to boxing, and I REALLY loved that until she added the hopping in with the punches, again I'm not super coordinated so it left me messing up quite a bit and not being able to follow exactly, but for those who have the coordination you should have no problem following along. I'll give it another whirl tomorrow and see how I do, like everything in life maybe it just will take a bit of practice to get used to and catch on, but for me, this portion of the dvd was my least favorite.
Next is the Cardio Sculpt potion of the DVD, (12 mins)
You start of with some light foot motions that take it into a "skater move", very nice, easy to follow and the instructions and steps came back with this one, so it never left me going "HUH??" (like the previous dvd), add in some squats, jumps lunges and some dumbbells as well and you get a massive workout in just 12 minutes!! I used 10 pound weights and didn't have any problem keeping up but would suggest using lighter weights if you're just starting out
The next is the Tone & Burn section, (20 mins) She starts you off with your dumbbells, and doing squats, with arms, ( advice-- use lighter weights if you're not used to lifting up really high) Then we move to some rowing with the dumbbell while pivoting, then she moves onto a cardio burst with a box step, I had trouble with it as she speed up (again my lack of coordination I'm sure), She does encourage you to work at your own level so I just kept moving in a square instead of hopping. Then it moved onto bicep curls with knee raises and I really liked that, I could really feel my core working as I tried to balance. Again I would say this potion would be for more advanced, but can EASILY be modified for beginners or those with health issues . You keep your weights in hand the whole time and do a variety of things like squats, lunges kicks etc , An amazing workout!~ You finish up doing some exercises on the mat with your weights! I was pouring sweat by the time we finished! Felt so great!
Next The Total Body Challenge (30 mins) You start off with basic squats (and you do a lot to get started) then add the dumbbells as you squat, followed by some swinging of the dumbbells (like you would a kettle bell) This is a great section, I loved it but you do, do a LOT of squatting so be prepared for that However it's an amazing amazing workout and you feel so awesome when your finished Then we move onto some arm movements and then down to the mat for more arm work with the dumbbells and some crunches and some core work. Loved this section, she gave great directions and everything was easy to follow! Two thumbs up for this portion of the dvd!
Finally was cool down (4:30 mins) Just basically marching and moving to bring your heart slowly down. If you're familiar with Coach Nicole's DVDs she does the same similar cool downs, which I love, she keeps you moving, and brings your heart down properly instead of just an abrupt stop like some other dvd's do.
Overall I loved this DVD very much and look forward to doing it again. It has a timer on each section, so you know how much time is left, which motivates me to keep going!! I highly recommend this to everyone! The Dvd comes with a few recipes from the Sparkpeople cookbook as well as a bonus feature section that has Seated Abs Exercises, 3 tricks to burn more fat, About Sparkpeople, About Coach Nicole, and more!!
You can get your copy of the DVD at Target (and get a $3.00 off coupon by going www.sparkpeople.com/28da
ybootcamp Plus you get 250 Sparkpoints for buying the DVD from Target!
Please note! I received this DVD for FREE from Sparkpeople and did not receive any form of payment for my review!
There are 4 workouts plus warm up & cool down, and each one varies and gives you a great workout! I will review each workout
Lets start with the Warm up, right away Coach Nicole gets you moving with some marching and easy to follow steps, she gives you great instruction and lets you know what's coming up next so you're not surprised. The warm up lasts 6 mins and I honestly felt like the workout had already started, it most defiantly gets the heart pumping!
Next I did the Cardio Burst, (12 mins)and I actually had a hard time with this one. She starts you off right away with Grapevines and Maba moves, for me, I'm not very coordinated so I had a hard time following along and got a bit frustrated, but kept trying and didn't quit. I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't as much instruction on what to do, it's assumed you know how to do a grapevine, mamba etc.. The pace is very fast and for myself I had a hard time. Half way through this section, we move on to boxing, and I REALLY loved that until she added the hopping in with the punches, again I'm not super coordinated so it left me messing up quite a bit and not being able to follow exactly, but for those who have the coordination you should have no problem following along. I'll give it another whirl tomorrow and see how I do, like everything in life maybe it just will take a bit of practice to get used to and catch on, but for me, this portion of the dvd was my least favorite.
Next is the Cardio Sculpt potion of the DVD, (12 mins)
You start of with some light foot motions that take it into a "skater move", very nice, easy to follow and the instructions and steps came back with this one, so it never left me going "HUH??" (like the previous dvd), add in some squats, jumps lunges and some dumbbells as well and you get a massive workout in just 12 minutes!! I used 10 pound weights and didn't have any problem keeping up but would suggest using lighter weights if you're just starting out
The next is the Tone & Burn section, (20 mins) She starts you off with your dumbbells, and doing squats, with arms, ( advice-- use lighter weights if you're not used to lifting up really high) Then we move to some rowing with the dumbbell while pivoting, then she moves onto a cardio burst with a box step, I had trouble with it as she speed up (again my lack of coordination I'm sure), She does encourage you to work at your own level so I just kept moving in a square instead of hopping. Then it moved onto bicep curls with knee raises and I really liked that, I could really feel my core working as I tried to balance. Again I would say this potion would be for more advanced, but can EASILY be modified for beginners or those with health issues . You keep your weights in hand the whole time and do a variety of things like squats, lunges kicks etc , An amazing workout!~ You finish up doing some exercises on the mat with your weights! I was pouring sweat by the time we finished! Felt so great!
Next The Total Body Challenge (30 mins) You start off with basic squats (and you do a lot to get started) then add the dumbbells as you squat, followed by some swinging of the dumbbells (like you would a kettle bell) This is a great section, I loved it but you do, do a LOT of squatting so be prepared for that However it's an amazing amazing workout and you feel so awesome when your finished Then we move onto some arm movements and then down to the mat for more arm work with the dumbbells and some crunches and some core work. Loved this section, she gave great directions and everything was easy to follow! Two thumbs up for this portion of the dvd!
Finally was cool down (4:30 mins) Just basically marching and moving to bring your heart slowly down. If you're familiar with Coach Nicole's DVDs she does the same similar cool downs, which I love, she keeps you moving, and brings your heart down properly instead of just an abrupt stop like some other dvd's do.
Overall I loved this DVD very much and look forward to doing it again. It has a timer on each section, so you know how much time is left, which motivates me to keep going!! I highly recommend this to everyone! The Dvd comes with a few recipes from the Sparkpeople cookbook as well as a bonus feature section that has Seated Abs Exercises, 3 tricks to burn more fat, About Sparkpeople, About Coach Nicole, and more!!
You can get your copy of the DVD at Target (and get a $3.00 off coupon by going www.sparkpeople.com/28da
ybootcamp Plus you get 250 Sparkpoints for buying the DVD from Target!
Please note! I received this DVD for FREE from Sparkpeople and did not receive any form of payment for my review!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
My 2012 Goals
I do not make resolutions, I make goals!! I encourage you to write down your 2012 goals, print them out, keep them with you, put on the fridge, the pantry the cupboards everywhere! When you're goals are in front of you you're less likely to lose site of them and keep working to reach them
<1. To track my food & water consistently and stay in my healthy ranges 95% of the time
2. To be as aggressive as I was in 2010 about getting this weight off. My spark didn't die but it sure isn't as bright, and it's time to change that.
3. To reach my goal weight of 135.
4. Exercise 20,500 mins for the year
5. Run a 10k
6. Walk -Run -Bike 250 miles or more!
7. Get my personal trainer certificate (Jan 14th!!) (it's happening but I'm still listing it!)
8. To Blog more often
9. To take my trip to Puerto Rico for my 100 pound reward that I promised myself
10. 2011 was my year of firsts, --2012 will be my year of growth, healing and fresh starts!!
<1. To track my food & water consistently and stay in my healthy ranges 95% of the time
2. To be as aggressive as I was in 2010 about getting this weight off. My spark didn't die but it sure isn't as bright, and it's time to change that.
3. To reach my goal weight of 135.
4. Exercise 20,500 mins for the year
5. Run a 10k
6. Walk -Run -Bike 250 miles or more!
7. Get my personal trainer certificate (Jan 14th!!) (it's happening but I'm still listing it!)
8. To Blog more often
9. To take my trip to Puerto Rico for my 100 pound reward that I promised myself
10. 2011 was my year of firsts, --2012 will be my year of growth, healing and fresh starts!!
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