Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My new tattoo, the Dandy Lion

I had to share my new tattoo. I got this for 2 reason, the main reason is my children are ALWAYS picking me dandilions, every where we go they always pick me one and say "here mommy, here's a flower for you" to them it's not a weed, to a child it's a ready gift to make my day so it just seemed perfect to get something to remind me of all the love they pick for me.

2nd when I started this BL challenge for Christians with 100+ pounds to lose on SparkPeople, I was assigned to team Dandy Lions, so I found this pic of our "Dandy Lion" online and fell in love with him, so to incorporate my children and the success of my weight loss journey into one I got this tattoo done the other day!!

I love it sooo much!! I can't wait till it's healed so I can get another pic that's not got the red skin and shiny around it! LOL

Just had to share.