Friday, July 9, 2010

6 months into this today is my Day 1

I rocked for 4.5 months, from January 1st to May 16th totally killed it with my hard work, dedication and perseverance, well I took a wrong turn around the month of May and have been aimlessly wondering for 2 months, thought I was back on the right road in June but fell off near the end
However, still knowing I HAVE GOT TO GET OUTTA THE DITCH and not QUIT, I've kept going and little by little this month (July) I've started climbing my way back outta the ditch and have reached the top where the road begins again.. So nearly 6 months into it, I make today my Day 1.

Today I will begin my journey with as much enthusiasm as I did January 1st, Today I will make the changes needed to be successful, today I continue down the road of Success. I will not go back to my old ways, I will not let "fat me" take control, I will be successful because FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION

I'm going to remember how far I've come (40+ pounds gone), I'm not going to dwell on what I haven't done, I'm going to brag about what I HAVE done in the 6 months onto my journey... I'm going to move forward and I will remember the reason I started this in the first place and I WILL keep doing this!!!!

Here's to even more of a fabulous journey, back on the right road to a healthier happier me!!!