Woke up at 7, breakfast at 7:20 10 points
1/2 cup oatmeal , blueberries, 1 tsp cofee creamer & 1 cup coffee
I also had 2 cups water before breakfast.
WOW! Got on the scale and I about fell over, 181.6 OMGOSH, that's like 5.4 pounds gone in 3 days!!(started challenge at 187) WOW WOW WOW!! Monday is my official weigh in but I'm thrilled . I got on and off the scale like 6 times then got on the wii and it was exact with my numbers so I'm certain the scale is right!! YAY
Went for lunch with my friend, ordered a buffalo chicken salad, no croutons, cheest & dressing on the side, it was pretty good, it did have bacon bits in it and some cheese but all in all not too bad.. BUT then I ordered a slice of peanut butter pie!! eesh over 600 calories just for that..
Needless to say I had to plan my dinner accordingly so I only thankfully went over my fat grams..
Calories 1648 Carbs 167 Fat 83 (over) Protein 69 Fiber 17 Sodium 1908
Exercise 1 hour bike ride 10.6 miles and 35 mins on treadmill! 95 total mins
Ready for Day 4