Woke up early drinking coffee. I am going shark diving today by myself while he gets a tow bar on the Jeep. I wish he'd come with but hey yolo..... i don't want to miss the opportunity I'm nervous but I'll be ok. The company is supposed to come get me sometime this morning.
Ok the shark thing is a NO! They didn't come today and so Vusi called and said they could reschedule for tomorrow and they'd pick me up at 3:50 AM!!!!!! Whhhhhhaaatttt???? Ohh hell no!!!!
I am not getting up at 3 on the morning to drive 40 mins or so get on a boat and jump into the cold ass water at 6 or 7 in the morning to see anything let alone a Shark who may want to bite my cage.. no no no no no!! Waaaaay to early to do that on vacation. So I told Vusi to cancel that!!!!!
We did eat lunch at Nondo's -- Spicey rice and Chicken.. super yummy but HOT!! LOL
I am not getting up at 3 on the morning to drive 40 mins or so get on a boat and jump into the cold ass water at 6 or 7 in the morning to see anything let alone a Shark who may want to bite my cage.. no no no no no!! Waaaaay to early to do that on vacation. So I told Vusi to cancel that!!!!!
We did eat lunch at Nondo's -- Spicey rice and Chicken.. super yummy but HOT!! LOL
Vusi has a lot of things going on today so we're just hanging here while the workers fix things. Today was pretty much a relax day after all that running yesterday, he had people coming in and out doing all kinds of stuff, electrical, tow bar, cleaning back yars, so I just sat around till like 5:30 pm we were going to go to the gardens, but ran into traffic, so we went to the mall instead.
He hung out in the music store, and I roamed around..
He hung out in the music store, and I roamed around..
After the mall we brought the groceries home, got changed and went to meet his friends for drinks. Kirsten, Lizwi and Msebe (who was sooooo tall!! LOL) 

Kirsten and I hit it off instantly!! We had a great time, just hanging out talking for hours!!
I loved them! Super awesome people!!
I loved them! Super awesome people!!