I cant believe December is here, typing from the plane!
I have been counting the days and 137 has actually passed so quickly.
I have been counting the days and 137 has actually passed so quickly.

First stop Charlotte NC for two hours then onto London! I'm already tired so sleeping will not be any problem
Kids took me to the airport where it was emotional. Poor Tyler was sobbing. Poor darling I'm going to miss them very much!
I went through security so my gate with no problem it was just a short 15 minutes late to Charlotte so I stayed awake once I got to Charlotte I ordered some shrimp rice and beans and now just waiting on the flight to London.
Didn't sleep very well on the flight over to London I have the opportunity to move seats and I didn't I will definitely do that it on the next flight if available.
When I arrived in London I went to custom and the guy convinced me to go to Windsor castle and get on that you can go downtown to see Buckingham palace Westminster abbey and so I did. So I went and checked the oyster cards then got on the underground tube basically a train road for about 45 minutes and arrived in London. Walked around bottom magnet and a key chain then found a coffee shop that have wifi and hung out there for a while texting the kids and Vusi. They served my coffee with a chocolate spoon!! LOL

Then just walked around and headed towards Buckingham Palace. It was cool, I took lots of photos. There is gold everywhere on the gates. Even got to see the guards marching back and forth.

Then just walked around and headed towards Buckingham Palace. It was cool, I took lots of photos. There is gold everywhere on the gates. Even got to see the guards marching back and forth.

I went on a tour of the queens gallery, half of it was closed, so it was Kinda a disappointment. I thought it would be bigger but there was basically two big rooms. With a door dividing them into two rooms two sections. Oh well ... still part of the palace.
Walked around and did some shopping at the palace! They had a Christmas tree decorated in crowns! It was gorgeous!!
While in the gift shop, I got a cute Christmas ornament with a guard bear and the girls mirrors and Tyler stickers and a pin.
Went walking down to Victoria & I did more shopping. I walked all over then my feet were tired so I stated making my way back. In the distance I saw the palace and the Ferris wheel. Very pretty.
Got back to the airport and was I went through security in like 5 minutes. Lol I was expecting it to take forever. Smh so it's only 4pm and my flight doesn't leave till 9:35pm ughhhhhh thankfully the airport had free wifi so I could Facebook and text kids.
We boarded the plane at 8:45 and we can't take off due to a problem in the engine and it needs a new piece. So we sit and wait then they get it fixed and try to detach the plane from the walkway and its stuck. Lol thankfully we didn't have further problems and were able to take off.