Day 1 was a lot better, I wasn't as dizzy anymore, Dr. Came in and took my bandages off to see my arms! OMG Y'all I cried tears of JOY when I saw how small they were! Never in my life!!! WOW WOW WOW!! No regrets!!!
I'm in complete shock at how much my body has changed!!!! Today they took the catheter out and I was able to walk to the bathroom on my own. I'm still a little dizzy but doing well. Thankfully no more throwing up!!!
extended Brachioplasty with lipo
Fat graft to breast
360 drainless tummy tuck with muscle repair and 3 hernias repair
Lower body lift (hips thighs)
Mons pubis lipo
#skinremoval #360abdominoplasty #buttlift #thighlift #medialthighlift #brachioplasty #fatgraft #breastfiller
#extendedbrachioplasty #tummytuck
#massiveweightloss #personaltrainer #roarfitness #coachkrystie #snatched
#skinremovalafterweightloss #drkarinios #capetown