Got to the hospital at 6am and got checked in. They took me to the Executive Suite!
WOW what a great room. It was a private room with an amazing view of the bay!!
I went upstairs for Dr Karinios to mark me for surgery and came back down; By the time I got back, it was time to go down for surgery. They wheeled me down to the pre-op area and put my IV in and chatted with me until it was time to go in. Literally, everything after that is a blur I remember going into the OR, and then the next thing I know I woke up asking if my tummy was gone! LOL

after recovery (all of which was a blur) they brought me back to my room and they were helping me get into bed and I was like WAIT.. Take my pic!! So they held me up and snapped this photo of me right after surgery! Lol I was still very high on anesthesia lol but man I was THRILLED!!! (on the inside lol)

Somehow I managed to have them call my kids - I don't know but we talked and they kept saying is someone on the phone, do you want us to hang it up, I kept saying no, no I just need to hear their voices!!
The surgery took longer than expected. Dr originally thought it would be 7 hours and then he found 3 hernias that he ended up repairing and my arms gave him a lot of trouble because of the fibrous tissue that was in my arms. It kept clogging his machine! Glory to God that I made it through! That was my longest surgery ever. I got sick from the anesthesia and kept throwing up and the room was spinning so the next couple of hours were rough but I pressed through. Thankfully I had a catheter in so I didn't have to get up.
extended Brachioplasty with lipo
Fat graft to breast
360 drainless tummy tuck with muscle repair and 3 hernias repair
Lower body lift (hips thighs)
Mons pubis lipo
#skinremoval #360abdominoplasty #buttlift #thighlift #medialthighlift #brachioplasty #fatgraft #breastfiller
#extendedbrachioplasty #tummytuck
#massiveweightloss #personaltrainer #roarfitness #coachkrystie #snatched
#skinremovalafterweightloss #drkarinios #capetown