A Letter From Jesus About Christmas
My Dearest Loved Ones,
It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season.
How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you
who have been blessed with children of your own.
I don't care what you call the day.
If you want to celebrate My birth, just GET ALONG AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
Now, having said that let Me go on ...
If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My birth,
then just get rid of a couple of Santas and snowmen and put in a small Nativity scene on your own front lawn.
If all My followers did that, there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square
because there would be many of them all around town.
Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree.
It was I who made all trees. You can remember Me anytime you see any tree.
Decorate a grape vine if you wish ...
I actually spoke of that one in a teaching, explaining who I am in relation to you and what each of our tasks were.
If you have forgotten that one, look up John 15: 1 - 8.
If you want to give Me a present in remembrance of My birth here is my wish list.
Choose something from it ...
1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My birthday is being celebrated,
write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home.
They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year.
I know, they tell Me all the time.
2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally.
They just need to know that someone cares about them.
3. Instead of writing the President complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year,
why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year.
Then follow up ...
it will be nice hearing from you again.
4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need - spend time with them.
Tell them the story of My birth and why I came to live with you down here.
Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.
5. Pick someone that has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her
6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season
because they feel so alone and hopeless?
Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile ...
it could make the difference.
7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town calls the holiday,
be patient with the people who work there.
Give them a warm smile and a kind word.
Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas" that doesn't keep you from wishing them one.
Then stop shopping there on Sunday.
If the store didn't make so much money on that day they'd close
and let their employees spend the day at home with their families.
8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary ...
especially one who takes My love and Good News to those who have never heard My name.
9. Here's a good one ...
There are individuals and whole families in your town who not only will have no "Christmas" tree,
but neither will they have any presents to give or receive.
If you don't know them, buy some food and a few gifts and give them to the Salvation Army
or some other charity which believes in Me and they will make the delivery for you.
10. Finally, if you want to make a statement about your belief in and loyalty to Me,
then behave like a Christian.
Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence.
Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine.
Don't forget - I am God and can take care of Myself.
Just love Me and do what I have told you to do.
I'll take care of all the rest.
Check out the list above and get to work; time is short.
I'll help you, but the ball is now in your court.
And do have a most blessed Christmas with all those whom you love and remember ...
I Love You,
When I forget how much my Jesus loves me,
I remember His walk.
When I wonder if I can be forgiven,
I remember His walk.
And to show Him how much I love Him
I wake up each morning ...
Turn my eyes to Jesus
And I walk.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Stop Beating myself up and Start celebrating the successes
I started my weight loss journey on January 1st 2010, so that's 11 months 2 days since I started, when I first started this journey, I made short term, longer and final goals as I began to loose the weight I began to get "cocky" and think "Man, this is a piece of cake," then I started bumping up my goal times, thinking "hey I've already did this so I'll move the goal date" well by doing that I didn't realize it but I was setting myself up for failure in the long run.
First Example, I had lost 35 pounds by the very beginning of April and knew that I'd moved my goal to 45lbs by 5.16 my wedding anniversary, keeping the "piece of cake" mind frame, I got lazy, stopped exercising and whatnot and basically coasted thru April with only loosing 5 pounds. May 16th rolled around and I was about 8lbs from my "GOAL". I was crushed and very disappointed in myself that I didn't make my goal, well that spun me into a 2 month downfall and finally about July I let it go, Decided that at 6 months I'd make it day 1 again and off I went on the journey (still very determined to make another goal by October) Long story short October came and went and I didn't make the 75lbs gone that I had set out to accomplish, heck I barley had 50 and again was upset with myself..... Again frustrations set in...
Then I read an article on Sparkpeople Titled "Remember to reward yourself"
www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=86 and started thinking about how I was approaching my journey. I had some how turned my getting healthy lifestyle into a gigantic race. I was racing so hard that I forgot which route I was on and ended up seriously lost. Worst part was I guess I couldn't (or wouldn't) allow myself to see how far I'd come and celebrate it, instead I was mad, angry, frustrated, totally annoyed that I wasn't where I wanted to be and well that just made me care even less about my accomplishments and totally had me focusing on my failures.
Well not anymore! My journey is not a race, it never was, I see that now, I see that every pounds I've shed is one pound closer to my goal and I celebrate every single pound gone (62 now).
From now on, I will not focus on dates, and when I'll be this size or that size, that's not important and I refuse to set myself up to be disappointed if I don't make it by then, so what if someone who started after me has lost more than me, I will not focus on that, because it's not important anymore, because I'm not racing!! What is important is that in 11 months I haven't given up, I haven't stopped, I'm determined and no matter how long it takes I will keep plugging away, no longer pushing to be such and such by this time but to be healthier each and every single day.
It was hard coming to terms with I'M NOT RACING, but I'm glad that after 11 months it's finally clicked inside of me that I'm doing this for myself, no matter how long it takes I wont give up or quit!!! I'm in this for the long haul. and today I celebrate all of my successes that I've accomplished in the 11 months..
Are you celebrating your successes too?? If not, I ask you to take a look at how far you've come on your journey even if its just 5 pounds you've lost. Celebrate them, be proud of what you're doing for you!!
Join my Spark team . Dandy Lions
First Example, I had lost 35 pounds by the very beginning of April and knew that I'd moved my goal to 45lbs by 5.16 my wedding anniversary, keeping the "piece of cake" mind frame, I got lazy, stopped exercising and whatnot and basically coasted thru April with only loosing 5 pounds. May 16th rolled around and I was about 8lbs from my "GOAL". I was crushed and very disappointed in myself that I didn't make my goal, well that spun me into a 2 month downfall and finally about July I let it go, Decided that at 6 months I'd make it day 1 again and off I went on the journey (still very determined to make another goal by October) Long story short October came and went and I didn't make the 75lbs gone that I had set out to accomplish, heck I barley had 50 and again was upset with myself..... Again frustrations set in...
Then I read an article on Sparkpeople Titled "Remember to reward yourself"
www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=86 and started thinking about how I was approaching my journey. I had some how turned my getting healthy lifestyle into a gigantic race. I was racing so hard that I forgot which route I was on and ended up seriously lost. Worst part was I guess I couldn't (or wouldn't) allow myself to see how far I'd come and celebrate it, instead I was mad, angry, frustrated, totally annoyed that I wasn't where I wanted to be and well that just made me care even less about my accomplishments and totally had me focusing on my failures.
Well not anymore! My journey is not a race, it never was, I see that now, I see that every pounds I've shed is one pound closer to my goal and I celebrate every single pound gone (62 now).
From now on, I will not focus on dates, and when I'll be this size or that size, that's not important and I refuse to set myself up to be disappointed if I don't make it by then, so what if someone who started after me has lost more than me, I will not focus on that, because it's not important anymore, because I'm not racing!! What is important is that in 11 months I haven't given up, I haven't stopped, I'm determined and no matter how long it takes I will keep plugging away, no longer pushing to be such and such by this time but to be healthier each and every single day.
It was hard coming to terms with I'M NOT RACING, but I'm glad that after 11 months it's finally clicked inside of me that I'm doing this for myself, no matter how long it takes I wont give up or quit!!! I'm in this for the long haul. and today I celebrate all of my successes that I've accomplished in the 11 months..
Are you celebrating your successes too?? If not, I ask you to take a look at how far you've come on your journey even if its just 5 pounds you've lost. Celebrate them, be proud of what you're doing for you!!
Join my Spark team . Dandy Lions
Sunday, November 14, 2010
60 Pounds gone (with Pics)
Today I celebrate 60 pounds gone! I am AMAZED at how much I have changed, I don't typically see it day to day but in pictures wow, it's so thrilling to me. I have 11 weeks until my first cruise and I'm confident I'll be stepping on that boat under 200 pounds!
It's been a long journey this far, and yes there has been some stops and speed bumps, even a few detours but I've kept going, never ever quitting and I know that no matter what I will reach my final destination!! So now I celebrate another HUGE milestone on my journey!! 60lbs gone!
Starting my Journey in size 24 bottoms & 2XL tops
Currently Size L top & 12-14 bottoms
Starting 271.2
Current 211.2
Changes in me since starting my journey!

(Christmas 2009) 271.2 pound

February 2010

May 2010

August 2010
November 2010

Excited to see where my journey takes me next!!! One things for sure I know it'll be under 200 and on my way to a healthier happier me!
PS, If your looking for friendship motivation & encouragement on your journey then join my Dandy Lions Sparkteam. It's awesome and I just know you'll love it there with the rest of the awesome team. We're an active group and you'll find what you're looking for with us! teams.sparkpeople.com/dandylions
It's been a long journey this far, and yes there has been some stops and speed bumps, even a few detours but I've kept going, never ever quitting and I know that no matter what I will reach my final destination!! So now I celebrate another HUGE milestone on my journey!! 60lbs gone!
Starting my Journey in size 24 bottoms & 2XL tops
Currently Size L top & 12-14 bottoms
Starting 271.2
Current 211.2
Changes in me since starting my journey!

(Christmas 2009) 271.2 pound
February 2010
May 2010
August 2010
November 2010
Excited to see where my journey takes me next!!! One things for sure I know it'll be under 200 and on my way to a healthier happier me!
PS, If your looking for friendship motivation & encouragement on your journey then join my Dandy Lions Sparkteam. It's awesome and I just know you'll love it there with the rest of the awesome team. We're an active group and you'll find what you're looking for with us! teams.sparkpeople.com/dandylions
Friday, November 5, 2010
Can it Be?!?!?!? OMGOSH YES IT CAN!!
For those who read my blog regularly you know that I am going on my first cruise in January and a week after I booked the cruise I went out and bought a size 12-14 beautiful dress to work hard to fit into (see motivation part 2 blog).
Today is my 15 year anniversary being with my husband and he bought me a pair of PJ's size 16-18 well I put them on and hmmm they're too big (YAY YAY YAY) so I said hey do you mind if we take them back, so the next size down is 12-14. I bought them, got them home and PERFECT fit wooo hooo!!
So then just out of the blue my husband says, you know honey if those PJ's fit you at size 12-14, maybe you should try on the dress, maybe it'll fit...I was nervous because I'd never even tried it on and now he's saying do it....
Ok so I did and OMG OMG OMG it's a PERFECT fit, it's fabulous, I feel & look pretty in it! I'm wearing it tonight to dinner instead of for the cruise!! This is AMAZING! I haven't worn a size 12-14 ANYTHING in years, I'd say at least 12-14 years! LOL! OMG OMG OMGOSH WOW WOW WOW!!
I went back to the store and bought a size 8-10 dress (same style/color) to make my new motivation for the cruise, (I've been buying all of our outfits around that dress color so I just went and got a smaller size to now work for). How exciting!! Had to share
Ya'll I'm thrilled244 I had an amazing night, I felt like a princess, it was a amazing!! We went to Ruth's Chris and were treated like royalty, they called us Mr & Mrs the entire night made us feel awesome and really made the anniversary perfect.

Today is my 15 year anniversary being with my husband and he bought me a pair of PJ's size 16-18 well I put them on and hmmm they're too big (YAY YAY YAY) so I said hey do you mind if we take them back, so the next size down is 12-14. I bought them, got them home and PERFECT fit wooo hooo!!
So then just out of the blue my husband says, you know honey if those PJ's fit you at size 12-14, maybe you should try on the dress, maybe it'll fit...I was nervous because I'd never even tried it on and now he's saying do it....
Ok so I did and OMG OMG OMG it's a PERFECT fit, it's fabulous, I feel & look pretty in it! I'm wearing it tonight to dinner instead of for the cruise!! This is AMAZING! I haven't worn a size 12-14 ANYTHING in years, I'd say at least 12-14 years! LOL! OMG OMG OMGOSH WOW WOW WOW!!
I went back to the store and bought a size 8-10 dress (same style/color) to make my new motivation for the cruise, (I've been buying all of our outfits around that dress color so I just went and got a smaller size to now work for). How exciting!! Had to share
Ya'll I'm thrilled244 I had an amazing night, I felt like a princess, it was a amazing!! We went to Ruth's Chris and were treated like royalty, they called us Mr & Mrs the entire night made us feel awesome and really made the anniversary perfect.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Woo hooo I beat my October Goal
I'm so thrilled & proud of myself!!! For the month of October I did 1803 mins of exercise and
walked/jogged 64.22 miles!
Here's to another great month!!!! Wooo hooo!
My goal this month is 1400 mins and 70 miles.
walked/jogged 64.22 miles!
Here's to another great month!!!! Wooo hooo!
My goal this month is 1400 mins and 70 miles.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
No longer "EXTREMELY" OBESE!!!!!
Wow, I have to say that is actually thrilling!!
On January 1st 2010 My BMI was 49.6
(and the charts said a BMI greater than 40 is classified as extreme obesity" talk about depressing to not only be obese but to be EXTREMELY obese)
Today October 14th 2010 I proudly post that I have dropped 10 whole BMI numbers to 39.6 and have removed myself from extreme obesity to obese category.
271.2 starting
216.5 present
How awesome is that! I cannot imagine the years I took back by loosing this weight, and what about the health factors I've fixed by lowering my BMI!! WOO HOO such an awesome accomplishment!! I look forward to moving out of the obese catagory and will be busting my tail to make sure it happens!!!
So thrilling I had to share with you all
On January 1st 2010 My BMI was 49.6
(and the charts said a BMI greater than 40 is classified as extreme obesity" talk about depressing to not only be obese but to be EXTREMELY obese)
Today October 14th 2010 I proudly post that I have dropped 10 whole BMI numbers to 39.6 and have removed myself from extreme obesity to obese category.
271.2 starting
216.5 present
How awesome is that! I cannot imagine the years I took back by loosing this weight, and what about the health factors I've fixed by lowering my BMI!! WOO HOO such an awesome accomplishment!! I look forward to moving out of the obese catagory and will be busting my tail to make sure it happens!!!
So thrilling I had to share with you all
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
My 5k today!! So proud of myself!!!
Let me back up beforehand and mention I had my March of Dime 3 mile walk this morning, I was debating NOT going, matter of fact I went to bed saying no I wasn't going because I'm REALLY sore from the two days prior exercises, even told my husband to shut the alarm off I was ok missing it. So I went to bed ready to give up a challenge.
However at 4:45 this morning, I woke up and said to myself "no I NEED TO GO" & I said to myself that hurting or aching or not, I need to be there, I need to do this walk and determined it was just "fat self" trying to get me back in my "old thinking ways" .. (you know what I'm talking about, I'm tired, I need a break, I deserve it, You worked hard, blah blah blah and then 1 day turns into a week, then a month...if you're on this journey you can relate I'm sure)..
So I decided to fight that and said, I"M GOING!!! I got myself ready, woke up everyone and off we went. BIG STEP overcoming "fat me"!!
Now onto the walk, There was an "ambassador" who led the race, so I didn't think we were allowed to "pass" so anyway, the race began and I was right behind her, and continued to stay at the front of the walk with the only person ahead of me being the "ambassador" of the race , I really really pushed myself walking at this gals pace was challenging but comfortable where I could keep up with her. Several times during the race she fell back behind me (ended up walking next to her) and I would pick up the pace to make her walk a bit faster! As far as I'm concerned I could have passed her and kept going, I felt so awesome!! We finished the walk side by side!!! WOW!!!
It was amazing, such a great feeling to know that I am now "LEADING" races,(or co-leading!:D ) instead of where I was in January when I could barely walk up the stairs from my car to my main floor. I have come so far on this journey and I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and really making the changes I needed. I am looking forward to my next 5k
I am just so proud of myself for doing the race and rocking it today on the track!!!!
Had to share!!!
However at 4:45 this morning, I woke up and said to myself "no I NEED TO GO" & I said to myself that hurting or aching or not, I need to be there, I need to do this walk and determined it was just "fat self" trying to get me back in my "old thinking ways" .. (you know what I'm talking about, I'm tired, I need a break, I deserve it, You worked hard, blah blah blah and then 1 day turns into a week, then a month...if you're on this journey you can relate I'm sure)..
So I decided to fight that and said, I"M GOING!!! I got myself ready, woke up everyone and off we went. BIG STEP overcoming "fat me"!!
Now onto the walk, There was an "ambassador" who led the race, so I didn't think we were allowed to "pass" so anyway, the race began and I was right behind her, and continued to stay at the front of the walk with the only person ahead of me being the "ambassador" of the race , I really really pushed myself walking at this gals pace was challenging but comfortable where I could keep up with her. Several times during the race she fell back behind me (ended up walking next to her) and I would pick up the pace to make her walk a bit faster! As far as I'm concerned I could have passed her and kept going, I felt so awesome!! We finished the walk side by side!!! WOW!!!
It was amazing, such a great feeling to know that I am now "LEADING" races,(or co-leading!:D ) instead of where I was in January when I could barely walk up the stairs from my car to my main floor. I have come so far on this journey and I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and really making the changes I needed. I am looking forward to my next 5k
I am just so proud of myself for doing the race and rocking it today on the track!!!!
Had to share!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Motivation Part 2.
From my previous blog I told everyone I was going on a cruise, well that has had me thinking, hmmm if I'm going to bust out all this exercise and work really hard, not only do I have the cruise to look forward to, I have NEW SMALLER clothes to look forward to.
So today (with the Captains Dinner in mind) I went and bought myself a beautiful navy dress that I will be able to wear by then (it's 2 sizes smaller than what I wear now I know that I will be successful in achieving this goal. I've hung it in my room so that every time I pass by it, I'm reminded what I'm working for. I'm so excited to reach this next milestone!!!
Ohh I also got a swiming suit in the same size for the cruise as well. It's hung next to the dress!!!
WOO HOOO! I'm so motivated! I've been ROCKING my exercise, being mindful of my food, as a matter of fact I lost all the "added" weight that I had from slacking. 6 pounds gone this week!!!
18 weeks 3 days till we set sail, I will TOTALLY accomplish my goals!
So today (with the Captains Dinner in mind) I went and bought myself a beautiful navy dress that I will be able to wear by then (it's 2 sizes smaller than what I wear now I know that I will be successful in achieving this goal. I've hung it in my room so that every time I pass by it, I'm reminded what I'm working for. I'm so excited to reach this next milestone!!!
Ohh I also got a swiming suit in the same size for the cruise as well. It's hung next to the dress!!!
WOO HOOO! I'm so motivated! I've been ROCKING my exercise, being mindful of my food, as a matter of fact I lost all the "added" weight that I had from slacking. 6 pounds gone this week!!!
18 weeks 3 days till we set sail, I will TOTALLY accomplish my goals!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Renewed Motivation!! Theres no stopping me!
I am so excited, I recently booked a 5 day Carnival cruise to the Bahamas for my birthday (and 1 year anniversary on my weight loss journey)/weight loss reward in January!!
I am feeling motivated and thrilled that I've got something to bust my hiney to work for, so that I'm in the best possible shape I can be when we board that boat!
Currently I have lost 52 pounds and by the time 1.31.10 comes around when we get on the boat I will have lost another 45-50 pounds.
As of Friday 9.17 I am re-dedicating myself to this journey, no more slacking, no more "sliding by" it's time to bust out some "real" work and do this.
I can do this, I will not give up, I will not quit and I will not let the holiday's beat me!! I'm doing this and I will board that boat a much healthier and thinner Krystie!
when I reach my goal that will make me 85 pounds or MORE (I'm aiming for more) lighter than I was when I first started my journey on 1.1.10 Totally achievable!! WOO HOO
I have 18 weeks 5 day until we set sail!!
I can and WILL achieve this goal!!! I'm so excited!!!
(ps if anyone reading this has any cruise tips or ideas I would love to hear them, this is my first cruise)
I am feeling motivated and thrilled that I've got something to bust my hiney to work for, so that I'm in the best possible shape I can be when we board that boat!
Currently I have lost 52 pounds and by the time 1.31.10 comes around when we get on the boat I will have lost another 45-50 pounds.
As of Friday 9.17 I am re-dedicating myself to this journey, no more slacking, no more "sliding by" it's time to bust out some "real" work and do this.
I can do this, I will not give up, I will not quit and I will not let the holiday's beat me!! I'm doing this and I will board that boat a much healthier and thinner Krystie!
when I reach my goal that will make me 85 pounds or MORE (I'm aiming for more) lighter than I was when I first started my journey on 1.1.10 Totally achievable!! WOO HOO
I have 18 weeks 5 day until we set sail!!
I can and WILL achieve this goal!!! I'm so excited!!!
(ps if anyone reading this has any cruise tips or ideas I would love to hear them, this is my first cruise)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones.
What if we took it with us every where we went?
What if it was the first thing we reached for in the morning and the last thing we look at before bed?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it, or borrow someone else's?
What if we spent an hour or more using it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the 'text'?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to our kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled for direction?
What if we used it when there was an emergency?
Unlike our cell phones....one plan fitsall... unlimited usage....no roaming charges....you always get reception....no weak signals
We don't ever have to worry about being disconnected because our Saviour paid the bill!
What if we took it with us every where we went?
What if it was the first thing we reached for in the morning and the last thing we look at before bed?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it, or borrow someone else's?
What if we spent an hour or more using it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the 'text'?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to our kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled for direction?
What if we used it when there was an emergency?
Unlike our cell phones....one plan fitsall... unlimited usage....no roaming charges....you always get reception....no weak signals
We don't ever have to worry about being disconnected because our Saviour paid the bill!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Changes in Me Dec- Aug
Changes in me since starting my journey!

(Christmas 2009) 271.2 pound

February 2010

Today 8.5 225 pounds
Now that is a very refreshing change! So proud of myself. Really encourages me to keep going and get even further from "Old Me"!!
For those of you struggling, don't quit, dont' give up, just keep plugging on, one day at a time!! You can and will accomplish your goals!!!

(Christmas 2009) 271.2 pound
February 2010
Today 8.5 225 pounds
Now that is a very refreshing change! So proud of myself. Really encourages me to keep going and get even further from "Old Me"!!
For those of you struggling, don't quit, dont' give up, just keep plugging on, one day at a time!! You can and will accomplish your goals!!!
It's going good & I feel great!
I'm super proud of how I'm doing, after the "Restart" I got the junk outta my mind of the I can't and have been doing all "I CAN"!!
Things are going great, I've stepped up my exercise and am busting the calories out, I've had a few people comment just recently on how much weight I've lost, while I haven't lost a lot of pounds lately, I'm starting to lose inches and thats where the noticing is coming from, I'm slimming and people finally see it! It's exciting and totally motivates me to push myself harder to see even more results
This morning I went to the park and walked/jogged 3 miles. I'm determined to be successful, and now that I have all 4 kiddos in school full time I have no excuse why I can't get my exercises in and make it about ME. Before I could use the reason, oh I have to do this or that for the kids or they need this or that but now, it's all about me from 8am till 2:30 pm.. No reason I can't be doing what I'm supposed to, to make myself better.
Just had to blog, it's been awhile and thought I'd update.
Things are going great, I've stepped up my exercise and am busting the calories out, I've had a few people comment just recently on how much weight I've lost, while I haven't lost a lot of pounds lately, I'm starting to lose inches and thats where the noticing is coming from, I'm slimming and people finally see it! It's exciting and totally motivates me to push myself harder to see even more results
This morning I went to the park and walked/jogged 3 miles. I'm determined to be successful, and now that I have all 4 kiddos in school full time I have no excuse why I can't get my exercises in and make it about ME. Before I could use the reason, oh I have to do this or that for the kids or they need this or that but now, it's all about me from 8am till 2:30 pm.. No reason I can't be doing what I'm supposed to, to make myself better.
Just had to blog, it's been awhile and thought I'd update.
Friday, July 9, 2010
6 months into this today is my Day 1
I rocked for 4.5 months, from January 1st to May 16th totally killed it with my hard work, dedication and perseverance, well I took a wrong turn around the month of May and have been aimlessly wondering for 2 months, thought I was back on the right road in June but fell off near the end
However, still knowing I HAVE GOT TO GET OUTTA THE DITCH and not QUIT, I've kept going and little by little this month (July) I've started climbing my way back outta the ditch and have reached the top where the road begins again.. So nearly 6 months into it, I make today my Day 1.
Today I will begin my journey with as much enthusiasm as I did January 1st, Today I will make the changes needed to be successful, today I continue down the road of Success. I will not go back to my old ways, I will not let "fat me" take control, I will be successful because FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION
I'm going to remember how far I've come (40+ pounds gone), I'm not going to dwell on what I haven't done, I'm going to brag about what I HAVE done in the 6 months onto my journey... I'm going to move forward and I will remember the reason I started this in the first place and I WILL keep doing this!!!!
Here's to even more of a fabulous journey, back on the right road to a healthier happier me!!!
However, still knowing I HAVE GOT TO GET OUTTA THE DITCH and not QUIT, I've kept going and little by little this month (July) I've started climbing my way back outta the ditch and have reached the top where the road begins again.. So nearly 6 months into it, I make today my Day 1.
Today I will begin my journey with as much enthusiasm as I did January 1st, Today I will make the changes needed to be successful, today I continue down the road of Success. I will not go back to my old ways, I will not let "fat me" take control, I will be successful because FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION
I'm going to remember how far I've come (40+ pounds gone), I'm not going to dwell on what I haven't done, I'm going to brag about what I HAVE done in the 6 months onto my journey... I'm going to move forward and I will remember the reason I started this in the first place and I WILL keep doing this!!!!
Here's to even more of a fabulous journey, back on the right road to a healthier happier me!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wow, I see a difference... A HUGE difference
So when I started my journey in January I was at my highest ever 271.2 pounds just last week we had VBS and I had my photo taken with some of the children, I couldn't believe the difference in 6 months..Makes me feel so good and motiveated to keep going!!
(Christmas 2009 271.2 pounds)
June 8th 226.2
Excited to see what another 6 months brings...
(Christmas 2009 271.2 pounds)
June 8th 226.2
Excited to see what another 6 months brings...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Still plugging away...
I had a really really rough month last month, gained 5 pounds back and basically wasted about 3 weeks worth of time but I am thrilled to report that I lost the 5lbs that I had gained back and lost few more too!
As of this morning I'm down to 46.5 pounds gone!!
From 271.2 to todays 224.7. That's so thrilling to me. It's been YEARS since I've been below 226, usually I'd get to 226 and for some reason would get distracted and discouraged and gain it all back, well not any more! I've blown 226 outta the water and I'm plugging away to get outta the 220's all together!!
So thrilled to be back on the journey, WOO HOO!!!
I've been loosing inches too.
My hips -9 inches
My waist -6 inches
My Thighs -6 inches
I was in a size 24 pants now in an loose 18-20
I used to need 3X tops now in XL and some large fits too.
I feel so great after getting on the scale!! Like the air in my balloon is filling back up instead of being deflated!!!
just had to brag and share.
As of this morning I'm down to 46.5 pounds gone!!
From 271.2 to todays 224.7. That's so thrilling to me. It's been YEARS since I've been below 226, usually I'd get to 226 and for some reason would get distracted and discouraged and gain it all back, well not any more! I've blown 226 outta the water and I'm plugging away to get outta the 220's all together!!
So thrilled to be back on the journey, WOO HOO!!!
I've been loosing inches too.
My hips -9 inches
My waist -6 inches
My Thighs -6 inches
I was in a size 24 pants now in an loose 18-20
I used to need 3X tops now in XL and some large fits too.
I feel so great after getting on the scale!! Like the air in my balloon is filling back up instead of being deflated!!!
just had to brag and share.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
44lbs down!! Feel awesome!
44 pounds gone.. Only 1 from my anniversary goal!! Wooo hooo!!!! (Sunday 5.16 will be our 13th anniversary!!)
So excited to have come so far! In just over 4 months I have accomplished so much. Excited to see what the next 4 months bring!!
I began to set goals and work harder to acheiving them
I began jogging
I reached my first goals a week ahead of my schedule
I signed up for my first 5k
I jogged an entire mile
I participated in my first 5k
I beat my 5k goal time by 10 minutes
I've lost 2-3 pant sizes
I've gone from a 3x shirt to an XL or Large Shirt
I've lost 10 inches off my waist
I've lost 5 inches off my hips
I am accoutable for EVERYTHING I eat, regarless if I go over my calories or not, I still put it down
I feel like nothing is going to stop me and get in my way, and I KNOW that I will be successful on my final weight loss journey.
I've exercised over 7000 mins -- thats over 116 hours of hard work!
I've walked ( some jogging) 140+ miles in that time! WOW!
So excited to have come so far! In just over 4 months I have accomplished so much. Excited to see what the next 4 months bring!!
I began to set goals and work harder to acheiving them
I began jogging
I reached my first goals a week ahead of my schedule
I signed up for my first 5k
I jogged an entire mile
I participated in my first 5k
I beat my 5k goal time by 10 minutes
I've lost 2-3 pant sizes
I've gone from a 3x shirt to an XL or Large Shirt
I've lost 10 inches off my waist
I've lost 5 inches off my hips
I am accoutable for EVERYTHING I eat, regarless if I go over my calories or not, I still put it down
I feel like nothing is going to stop me and get in my way, and I KNOW that I will be successful on my final weight loss journey.
I've exercised over 7000 mins -- thats over 116 hours of hard work!
I've walked ( some jogging) 140+ miles in that time! WOW!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
41.3 Pounds gone!! Feeling so Great!
I'm so excited! I got on the scale yesterday and have lost a few more pounds! 41.3 pounds gone! I'm only 3.7 from reaching my 2nd goal that I set (45 lbs by my anniversary on 5.16). I'm confident that I'll reach that goal!! WOO HOO!!
Last night I went to Walmart and bought myself some new tops and a pair of shorts! It was so AWESOME not having to go searching for 3X or 24-26 sizes. I'm thrilled to report that my Shirts are 18-20 and my shorts that I got were a 20!! WOW It's just so motivating to me to see the numbers as well as the sizes going down!! woo hoo
Looking forward to another successful month!
Join my spark team Dandy Lions
Here's how 41.3 pounds looks on my face, I see such a difference!!
May 4th 2010

March 19th 2010

From Jan 30th

And from December 24th at my highest.
Last night I went to Walmart and bought myself some new tops and a pair of shorts! It was so AWESOME not having to go searching for 3X or 24-26 sizes. I'm thrilled to report that my Shirts are 18-20 and my shorts that I got were a 20!! WOW It's just so motivating to me to see the numbers as well as the sizes going down!! woo hoo
Looking forward to another successful month!
Join my spark team Dandy Lions
Here's how 41.3 pounds looks on my face, I see such a difference!!
May 4th 2010
March 19th 2010
From Jan 30th
And from December 24th at my highest.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Woo hoo! I did the 5k!
I am beyond thrilled! I finished my first 5k tonight! It's 3.1 miles, it was raining/drizziling, but I didn't get discouraged and I jogged nearly 3/4 of the first mile then we (my husband and I) walked at a great pace and finished on a full sprint to the finish line!!
3.1 miles in 45.36 minutes!! That's HUGE for me! 15 min miles.. wow!!
I'm so thrilled and so so very very proud of myself, just had to share with ya'll!!!

My Husband & I

Me before the race

Some teamates

Most of our Teammates Soul Sneaker
3.1 miles in 45.36 minutes!! That's HUGE for me! 15 min miles.. wow!!
I'm so thrilled and so so very very proud of myself, just had to share with ya'll!!!
My Husband & I
Me before the race
Some teamates
Most of our Teammates Soul Sneaker
Friday, April 23, 2010
Woo hoo my 1st 5k is tomorrow!
Who would have thought *I*, *ME*, would ever sign up for anything like that, well as you all know I've been on my weight loss journey since 1.1 and have been rocking it!! Well little by little I've began jogging and doing lots of walking so when the opportunity came up to participate in a 5k, I grabbed my checkbook and wrote the check so I wouldn't back out!!
4 months ago I could barely walk to the end of my driveway without
thinking I was dying and here I am now EXCITED to do 3.1 miles! WOO HOO that's so thrilling! I've come a long way!
My goal is to jog the first mile of the 5k (3.1 miles total) then walk at a fast pace the rest of the way. My husband is also walking with me, and that thrills me too! To finally have him on my side, supporting me really motivates me to do things I normally wouldnt push myself to do!
Ohh by the way I'm now down 38.4 pounds now!
Getting so close to my 2nd goal of 45lbs gone by 5-16!
4 months ago I could barely walk to the end of my driveway without
thinking I was dying and here I am now EXCITED to do 3.1 miles! WOO HOO that's so thrilling! I've come a long way!
My goal is to jog the first mile of the 5k (3.1 miles total) then walk at a fast pace the rest of the way. My husband is also walking with me, and that thrills me too! To finally have him on my side, supporting me really motivates me to do things I normally wouldnt push myself to do!
Ohh by the way I'm now down 38.4 pounds now!
Getting so close to my 2nd goal of 45lbs gone by 5-16!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My new tattoo, the Dandy Lion
I had to share my new tattoo. I got this for 2 reason, the main reason is my children are ALWAYS picking me dandilions, every where we go they always pick me one and say "here mommy, here's a flower for you" to them it's not a weed, to a child it's a ready gift to make my day so it just seemed perfect to get something to remind me of all the love they pick for me.
2nd when I started this BL challenge for Christians with 100+ pounds to lose on SparkPeople, I was assigned to team Dandy Lions, so I found this pic of our "Dandy Lion" online and fell in love with him, so to incorporate my children and the success of my weight loss journey into one I got this tattoo done the other day!!

I love it sooo much!! I can't wait till it's healed so I can get another pic that's not got the red skin and shiny around it! LOL
Just had to share.
2nd when I started this BL challenge for Christians with 100+ pounds to lose on SparkPeople, I was assigned to team Dandy Lions, so I found this pic of our "Dandy Lion" online and fell in love with him, so to incorporate my children and the success of my weight loss journey into one I got this tattoo done the other day!!
I love it sooo much!! I can't wait till it's healed so I can get another pic that's not got the red skin and shiny around it! LOL
Just had to share.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I signed up for my 1st 5k
Woo hoo I just signed up for my 1st 5k.. 3.2 miles.. should be a piece of cake!
Greg and I always walk 3 miles at the park so this should be easy for me to walk. I'm going to attempt to jog a bit of it but am not ready for jogging the whole thing yet!
I'm super excited.. the 5k is on the 24th, I've never participated in any kind of anything like this so it's a tiny bit nerve-wracking but soooooooooooo excitng at the same time.. I've paid my fees so theres no backing out! WOO HOO
When I first asked my Greg if he wanted to do a 5k he immediatly said "NO", then I said won't you walk with me?? and he said "oh of course if you're doing it, I'm in".. AWWWW I love how support he has been with this journey!! With his support and the support of my online and offline friends, I KNOW I will be successful! There's nothing stopping me now!!
wooo hoo!!!
Greg and I always walk 3 miles at the park so this should be easy for me to walk. I'm going to attempt to jog a bit of it but am not ready for jogging the whole thing yet!
I'm super excited.. the 5k is on the 24th, I've never participated in any kind of anything like this so it's a tiny bit nerve-wracking but soooooooooooo excitng at the same time.. I've paid my fees so theres no backing out! WOO HOO
When I first asked my Greg if he wanted to do a 5k he immediatly said "NO", then I said won't you walk with me?? and he said "oh of course if you're doing it, I'm in".. AWWWW I love how support he has been with this journey!! With his support and the support of my online and offline friends, I KNOW I will be successful! There's nothing stopping me now!!
wooo hoo!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Not Even Vacation will slow me down!
I am so proud of myself, we have been in Florida since Thursday at Disney and I have been so diligent in exercising and tracking my calories, drinking all of my water & staying within my calorie range!
The other day after walking about 7 hours around the Magic Kingdom, we came back to the hotel and the kids went swimming and I went to the fitness center, where I did 50 minutes of exercise!
Each day we've walked anywhere from 6-10 hours and I still come back and do something (swimming, walking, stair climbing etc). Even when I'm standing in the lines waiting for a ride I'll do something, like calf raises, squats (works great when I've got Ty piggy back), leg lifts etc... I don't really care if others think I'm nuts or not, I'm on a mission!! LOL
Yesterday at Animal kingdom while my family was on a ride I stayed back with Ty who wasn't big enough and the entire time they were in line I did "step aerobics" on a rock! I'm sure people thought I'd lost my mind but I didn't care, I wanted to work in a bit of cardio since I was just standing there anyway so up and down the rock I went for about 10 mins or so...
Here's my rock
We go home on Thursday and I'm looking forward to seeing the scale and the results of my hard work!!
The other day after walking about 7 hours around the Magic Kingdom, we came back to the hotel and the kids went swimming and I went to the fitness center, where I did 50 minutes of exercise!
Each day we've walked anywhere from 6-10 hours and I still come back and do something (swimming, walking, stair climbing etc). Even when I'm standing in the lines waiting for a ride I'll do something, like calf raises, squats (works great when I've got Ty piggy back), leg lifts etc... I don't really care if others think I'm nuts or not, I'm on a mission!! LOL
Yesterday at Animal kingdom while my family was on a ride I stayed back with Ty who wasn't big enough and the entire time they were in line I did "step aerobics" on a rock! I'm sure people thought I'd lost my mind but I didn't care, I wanted to work in a bit of cardio since I was just standing there anyway so up and down the rock I went for about 10 mins or so...
Here's my rock
We go home on Thursday and I'm looking forward to seeing the scale and the results of my hard work!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
FINALLY 30lbs GONE!!!!
I had a rough week, with bloating and battling my willpower, It was insane how easy I could sway my mind to not eat healthy & not exercise!! But I'm back on track and
WOO HOO I'm THRILLED to announce I've finally got my 30lbs gone!!
We leave for Disney in 1 week!! I DID IT I DID IT!!
Next goal is 45lbs total gone by 5-16(my anniversary)
Heres a current photo of me from the other day 3.19. I can see the changes in my face starting to show! How exciting!

From Jan 30th

And from December 24th

WOO HOO I'm THRILLED to announce I've finally got my 30lbs gone!!
We leave for Disney in 1 week!! I DID IT I DID IT!!
Next goal is 45lbs total gone by 5-16(my anniversary)
Heres a current photo of me from the other day 3.19. I can see the changes in my face starting to show! How exciting!

From Jan 30th

And from December 24th
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
29.5 pounds! COME ON!???!!
I'm so close to my first goal, I wish the scale would quit fooling with my head and just move already!!! COME ON SCALE! JUST MOVE!
2 weeks until we go to DisneyWorld! I WILL make my 1st goal!!
2 weeks until we go to DisneyWorld! I WILL make my 1st goal!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
I just have to brag for a moment (ok maybe a few moments! LOL), as those of you who have been following my blog know that I have started jogging in small bursts, trying to build myself up and get stronger.
Yesterday, my husband, my children & I went the park where I could walk the path, while they played, so we walked and on one of the laps I told my husband, when we get back around I want to try and jog for as long as I can on the next lap, so we get to the sign and off I go, I haven't gone 30 seconds and could feel the burn, fat me wanted to stop and give up, but I pressed on, half way around the track is a small hill, that again fat me said "YOU CANT DO THIS" and I wanted to stop, well my husband must have realized I was about to stop and started encouraging me, saying "come on baby, you can get up this hill, push up this hill, you can do it" so I kept going, (all the while thinking OMG I CANT DO THIS!)
I get to the top of the hill and now I'm really ready to stop, but he keeps encouraging me and so I keep jogging, Now in my mind I'm thinking oh woah, I just jogged up a hill, oh woah, I can do this, but I'm having a battle in my mind, part of me saying "just quit, you can't and the other part saying YES I CAN watch me".. So we continue jogging down the path and I'm ALMOST to the end and thought about quitting again, but my husband said "come on baby, you've got this, finish it out.. don't quit" and you know what??
I jogged 1 full lap which was .33 of a mile in 4.5 minutes! I was and am so proud of myself, me at 242 pounds jogged a third of a mile!! 2 months ago I couldn't have jogged 30 seconds and now woo hoo look at me go!! Such a proud moment I had to share!!
I ended up jogging a few more times before we were done as well. I walked/jogged 3 miles yesterday and felt so so awesome!
Then after our walk/jog. We all played frisbee and catch with the nerf football. I tell you what it felt so good to be out playing with my kids and not huffing and puffing because I couldn't breath!!
Yesterday, my husband, my children & I went the park where I could walk the path, while they played, so we walked and on one of the laps I told my husband, when we get back around I want to try and jog for as long as I can on the next lap, so we get to the sign and off I go, I haven't gone 30 seconds and could feel the burn, fat me wanted to stop and give up, but I pressed on, half way around the track is a small hill, that again fat me said "YOU CANT DO THIS" and I wanted to stop, well my husband must have realized I was about to stop and started encouraging me, saying "come on baby, you can get up this hill, push up this hill, you can do it" so I kept going, (all the while thinking OMG I CANT DO THIS!)
I get to the top of the hill and now I'm really ready to stop, but he keeps encouraging me and so I keep jogging, Now in my mind I'm thinking oh woah, I just jogged up a hill, oh woah, I can do this, but I'm having a battle in my mind, part of me saying "just quit, you can't and the other part saying YES I CAN watch me".. So we continue jogging down the path and I'm ALMOST to the end and thought about quitting again, but my husband said "come on baby, you've got this, finish it out.. don't quit" and you know what??
I jogged 1 full lap which was .33 of a mile in 4.5 minutes! I was and am so proud of myself, me at 242 pounds jogged a third of a mile!! 2 months ago I couldn't have jogged 30 seconds and now woo hoo look at me go!! Such a proud moment I had to share!!
I ended up jogging a few more times before we were done as well. I walked/jogged 3 miles yesterday and felt so so awesome!
Then after our walk/jog. We all played frisbee and catch with the nerf football. I tell you what it felt so good to be out playing with my kids and not huffing and puffing because I couldn't breath!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am so thrilled to be on the right track to loosing weight and reaching my first "BIG" goal. As of this morning I only need 3.8 pounds to reach my 30 pound Disney World Goal.
Seeing that I'm SO close really motivates me to go go go even more because I want it so much. I realize having a (realistic) goal and working twords it has been whats been keeping me on track since January 1st. Knowing that I was going to Disney was enough of a motivation to get me up and get me moving. I cannot wait until I reach my 30lbs gone.. I just know I'm going to be jumping and dancing!!! I have 3 week until we go to Disney and I KNOW I will make my goals!!
Last night I added up all my "spark fitness minutes" to find out how many hours I've done since 1.17 when I first started exercising... 3915 mins /60 mins in a hour and exclaimed "HOLY MOLEY!! I've done 65.25 HOURS of exercise in less than 2 months! Oh my goodness WOW! That really made me so proud because I have WORKED my tail off for each and every pound that I've lost and I'm just so proud of myself!!!
Seeing that I'm SO close really motivates me to go go go even more because I want it so much. I realize having a (realistic) goal and working twords it has been whats been keeping me on track since January 1st. Knowing that I was going to Disney was enough of a motivation to get me up and get me moving. I cannot wait until I reach my 30lbs gone.. I just know I'm going to be jumping and dancing!!! I have 3 week until we go to Disney and I KNOW I will make my goals!!
Last night I added up all my "spark fitness minutes" to find out how many hours I've done since 1.17 when I first started exercising... 3915 mins /60 mins in a hour and exclaimed "HOLY MOLEY!! I've done 65.25 HOURS of exercise in less than 2 months! Oh my goodness WOW! That really made me so proud because I have WORKED my tail off for each and every pound that I've lost and I'm just so proud of myself!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
25.4 Pounds Gone!!
WOW OH WOW!! I'm so thrilled I have been on my journey since 1.1.10 and as of this morning I am down 25.4 pounds!! WOO HOO!!!
I am 4.6 pounds from my Disney goal (30lbs in 4 months) and I have a litte over 3 weeks to do it. I AM SO TOTALLY GOING TO MAKE IT!!! WOO HOO!!!!
What an awesome way to start off my Monday!!
Starting 271.2
Currnet 245.8
I am 4.6 pounds from my Disney goal (30lbs in 4 months) and I have a litte over 3 weeks to do it. I AM SO TOTALLY GOING TO MAKE IT!!! WOO HOO!!!!
What an awesome way to start off my Monday!!
Starting 271.2
Currnet 245.8
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I can't believe it! I signed up for my first sport!!
I have never ever played any sport before as an adult, because I was to heavy, to self conscious, to lazy, to just whatever to even FATHOM that thought... Well they have been talking at church about woman's softball and I've been asked by a few if I was going to play, I said, welllllll I don't know.... And was going to just bow out gracefully.....
BUT.. in the last 2 months I have started finding the athlete that is hiding inside myself, I enjoy exercise, I enjoy jogging (yes even at 250 pounds ) so today they made the announcement to sign up and I proudly got up after service and put my name down on the list!! I felt AWESOME to finally make that first move out of my old habit's!!!
I feel so awesome, and so proud of myself, I will no longer let that "FAT ME" control me and my happiness, I will do things, I am strong, I don't need to sit on the sidelines, I can run, I can play and I can have fun!!! I'm just over the moon with myself for FINALLY doing something positive and so rewarding for ME!!
BUT.. in the last 2 months I have started finding the athlete that is hiding inside myself, I enjoy exercise, I enjoy jogging (yes even at 250 pounds ) so today they made the announcement to sign up and I proudly got up after service and put my name down on the list!! I felt AWESOME to finally make that first move out of my old habit's!!!
I feel so awesome, and so proud of myself, I will no longer let that "FAT ME" control me and my happiness, I will do things, I am strong, I don't need to sit on the sidelines, I can run, I can play and I can have fun!!! I'm just over the moon with myself for FINALLY doing something positive and so rewarding for ME!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
My pants Grew...or am I really shrinking????
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 2010 Goals
Spend time with the Lord, Reading my Bible & praying daily
Drink my water EVERYDAY!! 100oz or more
Exercise 6 days a week 45 mins or more a day
Jog for at least 2 mins each time I walk on treadmill or track (more is great but at LEAST 2)
Measure all food that I eat & then log it so I'm fully aware of how I'm doing!
Write in my journal/Blog as much as possible
Encourage others in the message boards & blogs
Limit my sugars/cakes/candies I feel so much better when I don't eat a bunch of that junk! Meet or Beat my 30lbs goal for Disney (currently at 24lbs gone)
Drink my water EVERYDAY!! 100oz or more
Exercise 6 days a week 45 mins or more a day
Jog for at least 2 mins each time I walk on treadmill or track (more is great but at LEAST 2)
Measure all food that I eat & then log it so I'm fully aware of how I'm doing!
Write in my journal/Blog as much as possible
Encourage others in the message boards & blogs
Limit my sugars/cakes/candies I feel so much better when I don't eat a bunch of that junk! Meet or Beat my 30lbs goal for Disney (currently at 24lbs gone)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
God First! Exercise 2nd
I got this in an email today from Prime Time with God, and it really applied to me, so many times I've done EVERYTHING I've need to do for "ME" but totally slacked on putting God First in my daily routines... I'm posting this prayer that came as a reminder to myself that I have to focus on my spiritual health first, then my physical health.!
Here it is... Dear God, More and more people today are concerned with their physical fitness and good health. But what about our spiritual fitness? I know you made us and you want us to take care of our bodies, but more important is our spiritual health. Paul told Timothy to "Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and life to come" (1 Timothy 4:7-8).
Please help me to also work on "firming up my faith" in addition to firming up my body, so that I will be pleasing to you and an example to those around me. I want to grow closer and closer to you and would love to bring others along with me. Lord, anoint me. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Good stuff!! Thank you Lord for putting that in my inbox this evening
Here it is... Dear God, More and more people today are concerned with their physical fitness and good health. But what about our spiritual fitness? I know you made us and you want us to take care of our bodies, but more important is our spiritual health. Paul told Timothy to "Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and life to come" (1 Timothy 4:7-8).
Please help me to also work on "firming up my faith" in addition to firming up my body, so that I will be pleasing to you and an example to those around me. I want to grow closer and closer to you and would love to bring others along with me. Lord, anoint me. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Good stuff!! Thank you Lord for putting that in my inbox this evening
Friday, February 19, 2010
Theres a Runner inside of this 250lb person
Recently I have been setting goals to jog for a minute while on the treadmill, then go back to walking then jog, and so on, well the most I've EVER been able to jog in one spurt is 2 minutes and then I'm winded and huffing and puffing thinking I'm about to die. Well yesterday I decided to jog and said ok I'll go for 2 minutes, so I was nearing the 2 minutes and felt great so I said ok I'll go to 3 minutes, same thing got to 3 and said hey I feel good still, not dying at all so I'll go to 5 minutes..
Well I got to the 5 min mark but was over by 10 seconds when I looked down and decided to just finish the minute off; so me, this now 250 woman (after my 21lb loss) jogged for SIX MINUTES STRAIGHT! I was so proud of myself!! I felt like I conquered a huge goal!!
But, then later I got to thinking, hey I wasn't hurting at 6 minutes and I could have easily kept going but I just stopped, so I was a bit disappointed that I just gave up, like my "fat mind" was taking over telling me I couldn't do it when in fact I really was!!!! Today when I'm on the treadmill, I'm not going to listen to the "fat, I can't self" but in fact, will continue until I'm done... no giving up just because I'm at a certain minute, I'll go until my body says stop, not my mind
Well I got to the 5 min mark but was over by 10 seconds when I looked down and decided to just finish the minute off; so me, this now 250 woman (after my 21lb loss) jogged for SIX MINUTES STRAIGHT! I was so proud of myself!! I felt like I conquered a huge goal!!
But, then later I got to thinking, hey I wasn't hurting at 6 minutes and I could have easily kept going but I just stopped, so I was a bit disappointed that I just gave up, like my "fat mind" was taking over telling me I couldn't do it when in fact I really was!!!! Today when I'm on the treadmill, I'm not going to listen to the "fat, I can't self" but in fact, will continue until I'm done... no giving up just because I'm at a certain minute, I'll go until my body says stop, not my mind
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Over Coming my Emotions
Monday was a great day! With lots of great choices, Tuesday, the birthday part sucked, but I made good choices and REFUSED to let myself fall into the emotions that I normally do.
Normally when I'm sad or hurt I eat and eat and eat, just gorge myself with anything and everything I can find because that "makes me feel better" well just while I'm eating it but then after I feel worse so I'm doubly upset. Yesterday was very emotional but I refused to let myself loose control. I didn't want to jeopardize all that I've down by allowing myself to back slide down the "it's ok, you deserve it," path. I was even so torn and having a mental fight with myself, that I sat in my car, in my garage just sitting not going anywhere because I wanted to just run down to Checkers and stuff myself to make myself better.
Well, Shanny called me and re-affirmed "DO NOT DO IT", I was on the verge of caving in but Thank God she called to remind me of all the work I'd put into this week. So instead of going and getting a 1500+ calorie meal I went to KFC and ordered the 395 calorie meal , so I made good choices and ended the day proud of myself for mastering yet another obsticle along this journey. (thanks again Shan)
Normally when I'm sad or hurt I eat and eat and eat, just gorge myself with anything and everything I can find because that "makes me feel better" well just while I'm eating it but then after I feel worse so I'm doubly upset. Yesterday was very emotional but I refused to let myself loose control. I didn't want to jeopardize all that I've down by allowing myself to back slide down the "it's ok, you deserve it," path. I was even so torn and having a mental fight with myself, that I sat in my car, in my garage just sitting not going anywhere because I wanted to just run down to Checkers and stuff myself to make myself better.
Well, Shanny called me and re-affirmed "DO NOT DO IT", I was on the verge of caving in but Thank God she called to remind me of all the work I'd put into this week. So instead of going and getting a 1500+ calorie meal I went to KFC and ordered the 395 calorie meal , so I made good choices and ended the day proud of myself for mastering yet another obsticle along this journey. (thanks again Shan)
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