Friday, November 1, 2013

62 days till 1.1 (10-31)

Yesterday was Halloween I kicked BUTT all day long I trained a client, then had a consult, then went to the park, walked 45 minutes, then went to another client, and then walked again for 45 minutes, my food was 100000% on track until ... until... yep.. that damn Halloween candy that I SWORE I was not going to touch....

 Needless to say I've had my fill and don't even have a desire for it today, actually the thought of eating chocolate makes me ill! ughhhh....

So even though I had a killer day I give myself a D- because I caved into the candy...

ALL THE CANDY!!!! --- No I didn't eat all that-- I had like 5 pieces of candy!! EEEK

Me as BatGirl!