Thursday, August 26, 2021

1 Day post op!

 Day 1 was a lot better, I wasn't as dizzy anymore, Dr. Came in and took my bandages off to see my arms! OMG Y'all I cried tears of JOY when I saw how small they were! Never in my life!!! WOW WOW WOW!! No regrets!!!

I'm in complete shock at how much my body has changed!!!! Today they took the catheter out and I was able to walk to the bathroom on my own. I'm still a little dizzy but doing well. Thankfully no more throwing up!!!

extended Brachioplasty with lipo
Fat graft to breast
360 drainless tummy tuck with muscle repair and 3 hernias repair
Lower body lift (hips thighs)
Mons pubis lipo

#skinremoval #360abdominoplasty #buttlift #thighlift #medialthighlift #brachioplasty #fatgraft #breastfiller
#extendedbrachioplasty #tummytuck
#massiveweightloss #personaltrainer #roarfitness #coachkrystie #snatched
#skinremovalafterweightloss #drkarinios #capetown

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Skin Removal Surgery day- 8/25

Got to the hospital at 6am and got checked in. They took me to the Executive Suite!
WOW what a great room. It was a private room with an amazing view of the bay!! 

I went upstairs for Dr Karinios to mark me for surgery and came back down; By the time I got back, it was time to go down for surgery. They wheeled me down to the pre-op area and put my IV in and chatted with me until it was time to go in. Literally, everything after that is a blur I remember going into the OR, and then the next thing I know I woke up asking if my tummy was gone! LOL 

after recovery (all of which was a blur) they brought me back to my room and they were helping me get into bed and I was like WAIT.. Take my pic!! So they held me up and snapped this photo of me right after surgery!  Lol I was still very high on anesthesia lol but man I was THRILLED!!! (on the inside lol)

Somehow I managed to have them call my kids - I don't know but we talked and they kept saying is someone on the phone, do you want us to hang it up, I kept saying no, no I just need to hear their voices!! 

The surgery took longer than expected. Dr originally thought it would be 7 hours and then he found 3 hernias that he ended up repairing and my arms gave him a lot of trouble because of the fibrous tissue that was in my arms. It kept clogging his machine!  Glory to God that I made it through! That was my longest surgery ever. I got sick from the anesthesia and kept throwing up and the room was spinning so the next couple of hours were rough but I pressed through. Thankfully I had a catheter in so I didn't have to get up.

extended Brachioplasty with lipo
Fat graft to breast
360 drainless tummy tuck with muscle repair and 3 hernias repair
Lower body lift (hips thighs)
Mons pubis lipo

#skinremoval #360abdominoplasty #buttlift #thighlift #medialthighlift #brachioplasty #fatgraft #breastfiller
#extendedbrachioplasty #tummytuck
#massiveweightloss #personaltrainer #roarfitness #coachkrystie #snatched
#skinremovalafterweightloss #drkarinios #capetown

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

8 days till surgery!!

 Hey there I had my pre-op appt yesterday and it went great! We are a go for August 25th and my 2nd surgery on September 9th.

#1 Surgery 8/25
Extended Brachioplasty past the elbow and into the armpit and lipo to the backside
Fat Graft (filler) into breasts
360 Tummy Tuck with Muscle Repair
Lower Body Lift (hips/outer thighs) with Lipo

#2 (Sept 9th)
Extended medial thighplasty with extensive lipo to the front and the backside of legs. My doctor and I agreed after him examining me that it would be ideal to go on the top of my thighs instead of the inner. He can grab 6-7 inches of skin from the top and only about 2-3 inches from the inner thigh he thinks after the LBL that I have first that this will be ideal to get it all otherwise I'll still have all that bulk hanging over the knees from all weight loss I've had it all just fell there.
Myself personally I'm not worried about the scar, I just want all the skin gone!! I'm excited!!

stay tuned!

Monday, August 16, 2021

pre-op appointment 8/16

Today is my pre-op appointment for my surgery!! 
Excited, yet nervous lol
Can't wait to meet my Dr!

I'm more anxious to hear what he has to say then anything else!!

My appointment is at 2:30 this afternoon so I will post an update then...

So...... it went great.. we spoke for a long time about my cuff over my elbows and how he had to do whatever he had to do to get them gone!!

 we ended up agreeing on adding lipo to the back of my arms to help contour with extended brachioplasty into armpit and forearm and I am stoked at the outcome I'm going to have based on where he's gonna cut I think it's gonna look incredible and he says my arms are going to look amazing when he's done so I trust him and I'm excited!!!!!

 I'm also going to be adding fat transfer to my breast and doing a 360 lower body lift at the same time

 the surgery is Wednesday 10 a.m.!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Follow me on Social Media

 Follow me here to keep up with my Cape Town Adventure and Skin Removal Surgeries

It's getting REAL!!

 Got my final quote from my Doctor about the surgeries.  Getting close!! Time to finalize payments! I fly out to Cape Town on August 11th, 2021 I'm excited and feeling great! I'm sure I'll be more nervous after I fly out! Please keep me in your prayers!

First Surgery

August 25th  150,000 Rand (Converted to Dollars $10271.16)

• Post massive weight loss skin laxity
Extended Brachioplasty (arm lift)
Full lower body lift (circumferential belt-lipectomy), including
quilting technique of abdominal flap (drainless)
Limited power-assisted liposuction
Above includes:
• Theatre time and consumables
• Plastic surgeon fee
• Assistant fee (Plastic surgeon)
• Specialist anesthetist fee – general anesthetic
• Hospital stay 2 nights
• All follow up related to the procedure

September 8th 105,000 Rand (Converted to US Dollars ($7189.81)

• Medical thigh laxity
• Additional adiposity
Extended Medial Thigh Lift – Vertical incision
• Power-assisted large volume liposuction
Above includes:
• Theatre time and consumables
• Plastic surgeon fee
• Assistant fee (Plastic surgeon)
• Specialist anesthetist fee – general anesthetic
• Hospital stay 2 nights
• All follow up related to the procedure 

I've had some ask, and YES I'm accepting any monetary blessing to help with the costs of these surgeries and being gone for 9 weeks while all this takes place. If you would like to bless me it would be greatly appreciated

Cash app $roarfit
 Zelle -678-964-5797

I'll post updates as I move forward!! 
Love and Hugs!
Coach K

 #weightlossjourney #skinremoval #weighlossskin #looseskin #plasticsurgery #brachioplasty #outerthighlift #buttlift #tummytuck #medialthighplasty #lowerbodylift #armlift #skinremovalsurgery