Sunday, February 2, 2014

I got this

#2fit2quit Day 2

I am not a big super bowl person so today is no biggie for me!!

Staying on track and making good choices is my only goal for the day!!!

6 Jumping Jacks
 6 High knees
 6 Squats
 6 Bicycles
6 Leg Lifts
10 sec Plank
2 Burpie

 Plus I WILL do the elliptical today!


25 Minutes on the Elliptical done 
& 2 Sets of today's challenge & 10 bonus pushups (no knees)

!!! I'm so pissed at myself for not doing pretty much anything in the last few months, I can totally tell I'm out of shape, that's ok though, #beastmode is back and there will be NO more slacking ever!!