Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2/100 of my challenge

Another great day!! This morning I went walking at the park before Miranda had to go to the Orthodontist so I didn't have lots of time but still managed to do 2 miles in 28 mins. That's 14 min miles, which is pretty good considering I'm still feeling icky and when I'm not sick I'm at 13:30 mins for a mile so I was proud of myself. I'll be so glad when the congestion eases so my lungs aren't screaming

Took Miranda to the Orthodontist, dropped her off at school, came home and did 32 mins of Bob Harpers Inside out method for Cardio, omg was that intense!! Then I hopped on the elliptical and did 32 more mins

92 mins done today

Today for my food, I also did excellent & we went out to dinner. Not to often I go out to dinner and don't go over board I actually had to have Greg stop and get me a candy bar because I was short on calories!! So I had a treat, went out to eat and stayed in my calories & all ranges.

Also, today I got on the scale and am 200.4 pounds I don't even remember that last time I was this size! From 271.2 to 200.4 wooo hoooo!!!

Onederland, here I come!!! WOOO HOOOO

10 for the day