Monday, August 1, 2011

July Recap/ August Goals!

Wow, what a month! It was an month of up and down and up and down, I had a couple injuries (my knee and my shoulder) but through it all I was able to do 2269 minutes of exercise !!! Woo hoo my goal was 2000 mins so yay I did it! I also walked/jogged/biked 81.16 miles for the month!! YAY!!

I joined a challenge and was able to get under 180 for the first time since gosh knows when, I know at least 14-15 years since I've been in the 170's
Today I'm only 7 pounds from my 100 pound goal and I am looking forward to finally crossing over that line!! I CAN AND WILL DO THIS!!!

My goals for August

1. Read my Bible Daily
2. Drink at least 12 cups of water daily
3. Exercise 2,000 minutes (at least 45 mins each day!)
4. Get 100 miles logged by Walking /Running, Treadmill/ Elliptical or Bicycling
5. Lose 8 pounds
7. Log my food & stay within my ranges set by Sparkpeople
8. Go 3 times a week or more for classes
9. Encourage my accountability partner

Here's to a great month!!