Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 70 & April Recall/May Goals

'm thrilled, I have beat my personal best "goals" in WOO HOOO!! I exercised 2114 minutes and walked, jogged, ran or biked 104.79 miles for April!!!!

Day 70 has been good, we had an amazing church service, then a spaghetti lunch afterwards, I opted to NOT have the yummy delicious spaghetti and just had a salad. Came home then we all went for a bike ride!! We did 12 miles today in about an hour and a half.

My May Goals

A. Before all -- Daily Bible reading when I wake up. God is #1 in my life and spending 30 mins or more in the morning is my priority.

1. Stay 100% on track of the spring challenge (doing my videos everyday!) (I will also be finishing my 100 day challenge this month as well!)

2. Drink all of my water EVERYDAY

3. Stay in my calorie ranges & sodium ranges

4. Walk/run/jog or bike at least 100 miles

5. Reach 2000 fitness minutes for the month

6. Lose 10 pounds for the May Challenge

7. Go to my classes at least 4 times a week

Ready for a great month!!! I challenge you all to join the spring challenge from Sparkpeople! Lets make May an awesome month!