Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 92 & 93

Things are going well, I've finally lost the weight that I gained when we had to go up to Michigan, I was in a hard predicament, we ate out 3 times a day and all though I tried to make good choices, even the healthy stuff was loaded with sodium, so I gained. Happy to report that is GONE GONE GONE now, and I'm back on the "loosing track" 

As of yesterday morning I am 185.2 pounds, for a total of 86 pounds gone since starting my journey 

I've been killing it at class, lots and lots of cardio and sweating going on!! I love it! 

On the PBS Tv side, they called the other day to let me know that due to their scheduling conflicts that they are pushing the weight loss program tapings back until July. Which is fine by me, it will give me more time to lose weight before I go on Camera. I've got a month until Disney so I am really really really going to work hard to get as much off as I can before we go! 

Here's to a great day!!!