Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 71! Woo hooo

Today was good, I went to the gym and did 25 mins on elliptical, 35 mins on treadmill (ran at 5mph for 14 minutes woo hoo!) then went and did squats, lunges bicep, tricep & shoulder work with the dumbbells.

Tonight Miranda & I did day 2 of the Spring into Shape challenge! It was fun!!

Also when I first joined Independent MMA, I had a gain and was at 195.6 (4-18) and as of today I am 190.8 which with the up and down with my swelling/sodium etc is finally back on the way down. YAY! I'm almost back to 188 where I was when I bloated from all the whatevers!

I also took my measurements when I started there and have lost 1 inch from my waist and 1 inch from my hips in 2 weeks WOO HOO!!!

I've also grounded myself from the scale, I am so obsessed with it, weighing every time I go to the bathroom so I weighted this morning and put the scale in the closet until next week! I CAN DO THIS!! No weighing for 1 week!! Wish me luck!