Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 7 Trick my body Challenge -Week 1 complete

Woo hoo! what a week! I'm so proud of myself, I earned 40 points every day -280 points done. Woo hoo! I'm well over 1/2 way to my pedicure! 

Woke up at 7:35 
Breakfast at 7:45. Banana, Coffee, 1 tsp coffee creamer, 1.2 cup oatmeal & blueberries. 

Went to church, awesome message 

Lunch Cashew's 1.25 oz 2 Boca Burgers, 1 Egg, 1 egg white, 1 cup Spinach. 
1tsp southwest mustard 

Went to the park & played. Me and Tyler jogged 1/2 way around the track then he didn't want to go into the sunny area so we walked back. LOL! Played kickball with the family for awhile and then home. 

Dinner 6oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup corn & Salad for dinner. 

Snack 1 waffle bowl, 1/2 cup yogurt ,1 nutty bar & 33 chocolates. YUCK.. Major Fail! I won't be having that again.. eeek.. 

1609 cals 184 carbs 70 fat (over) 91 protein 23 Fiber and 1224 sodium 

Today ends week one! It's been super successful - Proud of myself Looking forward to just as much success for week 2. Praying the scale keeps moving this coming week