Friday, September 23, 2011

My day 1/100 Challenge Check In

Yesterday 9.22 started the 100 days till the new year. It was a busy day but a great day just the same.

First I taught my Sparkpeople Live! Meeting and then I went to the gym and did 15 mins on the Elliptical, then did a HARDCORE insane intense 30 mins Cardio Fit class, then I jumped on the Treadmill and ran for 5 mins at 5.5 mph - 50 mins of exercise.

Came home, chilled out for a couple hours and went back to the gym (where I am now an employee "!! YAY ) and got in 30 mins of cleaning as well for exercise!

I drank all of my water, stayed within my ranges and exercised!!

A+ for the first day!!!

How did you do for your day 1 of the 100 days till the new year challenge??

Looking forward to a great day 2

**My goals**
Exercise 6 days a week for 75 mins each day
Drink 12 glasses of water each day
Stay within my ranges 98% of the time
Blog about it often
Limit my sugars/sweets to a bare minimum
Loose 10% of my body weight ( 173 lbs) (current 173 lbs)