Monday, September 19, 2011

Update on PBS Filming WOO HOO

In reference to this blog (please read if your not up to date with the Whole PBS stuff with me )

Yay so I just got this email from the Producer (gonna copy/paste email)

Hi Krystie -

Happy Monday!

We would like produce a full profile segment on you within the next couple of weeks.

This will involve spending the day with you and your family, gathering footage within your home, any outdoor locations where you run/walk, you in boxing class, etc... Maybe some grocery store footage of you and your family shopping, some restaurant footage, etc.

If you're interested, could you let me know what days you would NOT be able to shoot between now and October 8?

Let me know asap, what dates you are NOT available, so that I can get you on the schedule for taping!


(BTW, thanks to you, I went out and bought several flavors of Mrs Dash...OMG, so yummy!!!!!!)


WOO HOO I'm so excited, just had to give ya'll an update to what's happening in my world!!
