Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 40 of Challenge check in

Wonderful awesome day yesterday, Got on the scale to find that I've lost even more since Monday! I've now reached 80 pounds gone! WOO HOOOO (Thanks to those who viewed my video blog!)

I went to the park and did 2.12 miles of just walking.. it was a "casual" day and it was very hard for me to restrain myself from running but I've got to listen to my body and give it rest as well.

Then I came home and did Wii Just Dance 2 and Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. Later last night, Greg and I went for a bike ride after dinner.
All in all I did 133 minutes of exercise and a total of 6.87 miles! Woo hoo

I was 100% in my ranges for everything.

Another great day!