Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 54, 55 & 56 Recap

Friday -- Day of to rest before the 5k --didn't do much. 

Saturday 5k Race (see previous blog if you want to read about how it went) 

Sunday 11.6 bike ride with the family, got a bug in my eye, today my eye hurts really bad -- owie 

Best news for today day 57 
Omgosh I'm going to start taking BOXING, ever since getting my wii Golds gym cardio work out game I've been wanting to learn "REAL" boxing, and I've found a place not far from my home that offers classes and one one training with Pro-Boxers! OMGOSH I'm just so excited!!! My first class is tonight!!!!!!!!! 

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I cannot it believe ME? Krystie WHAT?!? OMGOSH is turning into some sort of athlete, running, biking, boxing? Holy buckets who is this woman? A year + ago exercise was like a dirty word, don't mention it to me and don't expect me to do it! Now I'm constantly finding new things to try!! WOW! I don't know who this is but I SURE LOVE IT!! 

So excited. Will update later about how the class goes!!!! 
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