Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 11 of my Challenge

What a wonderful day 11 I had.

First I got up took Tyler to school came back and did the Wii Golds Gym Cardio workout for 40 mins then I did 20 mins of Wii Fit free step then went out to the gazebo got on the treadmill and jogged jogged jogged and some walking. I did 46 mins on the treadmill. According to Sparkpeople I burned 900 calories yesterday!! woo hoo

In the afternoon when I went to get Ty, they were having a blood drive, so I wanted to do it, since I've never done it before (you know this is my year of firsts...) so I did the questioner etc and got to donate!! What an awesome feeling when your finished!!!!

I did great in the food department, however I went a tad bit over on my sodium but I drank 16 glasses of water yesterday so I should be fine.

Day 11... Success!!! WOO HOO