Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 38, Go me!! So proud of myself!

Woah! What an awesome day! I'm so proud of myself! I've come so far in the last year on my journey, and today proves to be another milestone.

I was wanting to exercise outside but the rain has been here all week well, finally the rain let up enough that I said I cannot keep sitting inside, so I forced myself to go to the park, where I did my 5 min warm up, then jogged ALL of my 3.1 miles,(MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! 36 mins for the 5k portion)
then cooled down with more walking and some more jogging and even walking backwards on the track. All while it was drizzling outside! I have to admit I actually liked being outside in the drizzle, made the run kinda fun!

All in all 5.12 miles done today in 67 minutes! WOO HOOO

67 mins done today!

Got on the scale today and I feel like I've finally made it thru the little hump in the road, down nearly another pound since yesterday 192.9 pounds today. HOLY BUCKETS! REALLY! OM-GOSH! I haven't been this small since my 9 year old was a baby and I joined weight watchers to help lose the baby weight. I got to 189 and couldn't go any further and quit, so I am Quickly approaching my *NUMBER* and just like my 226 number that used to hold me back I fully intend to blow 189 out of the water, and soar far past it proving once and for all that I'm not controlled by numbers, that I'm stronger than any stupid number!!
Oh and when I do I will be less than I have EVER been in my entire adult life. Below 189, I honestly don't know, maybe when I was 17 when I met my husband (around 175 I guess when I met him) Nothing since becoming a mommy!

I'm so very proud of how far I have come, even just a little over a month ago, I really couldn't run, and if I tried it was at most maybe 3-4 mins before I had to stop, and now today I ran for 36 mins straight!! Holy buckets!! I'm growing in strength and in my mind of "willpower"..

Before I used to say "oh I can't do this" now I say "WATCH ME" .. it's amazing! I'm like a butterfly, emerging from my cocoon. Complete Metamorphosis occurring inside of me and it feels so amazing to finally find the person who's been desperate to escape for so long, I'm excited to see how I continue to change, both physically and mentally and welcome and embrace the new me with open arms!!!!

Looking forward to another great day tomorrow