Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 37 (a day late)

I got side tracked yesterday and forgot to post my blog for day 37...

Yesterday was a great day, I got my reward in the mail for loosing my 75lbs. I got me a new jacket, licence plate & tank top with the Dandy Lion on it and I just LOVE IT. But I realized yesterday, I ordered an XL and when I put my jacket on, it was a bit big on me and I told my husband, you know I should've got a large instead. I notified the company and they're going to let me exchange it!! But HOW amazing it is that, my new jacket is too BIG!!! OMGOSH!! Go me I can't believe how far I've came in a year!!!

(and just for fun, here's a 1 year ago comparison shot of me )

(and that was me 3 months into my journey!!)

Please tell me you see a difference?????

I took 2 days off from exercise to let my body "rest" and it seemed to work! The scale moved a bit more from Monday's weigh in. Woo hoo!! I'm glad because I felt like I was in a rut!!!

Things are going well. I'm just working hard to get out of the 90's and keep going on my journey!! Down from 271.2 to 192.8 woo hooo

Perfect in my food ranges again.
Now onto day 38.